Protostar Labs

Protostar Vision Box – Part 2: Sensor suite

Protostar labs vision box vindija

This is the second part of our series of blog posts on Protostar Vision Box. Last week, we showcased the hardware and lightning design. Today, we are going to discuss the sensor suite, how to choose the right sensors for the job and how we implement them in Protostar Vision Box.

Protostar Vision Box – Part 1: Lights, camera, action!

Discover the first installment of our blog series, ‘Protostar Vision Box – Part 1: Lights, Camera, Action!’ for a behind-the-scenes look at the innovation, challenges, and the power of vision in this groundbreaking technology.

Deep Learning on FPGA: From Model Training to Inference

The integration of Deep Learning models with FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) platforms, like PYNQ Z2, offers advantages such as adaptability and performance. This article explores the technical steps of this integration, from the initial model training phase to achieving high inference speeds on the FPGA. This is a representation of a full workflow in FPGA terms.

Our attendance of ESA NCCES Conference 2023

Last month, we had the opportunity of attending the invite-only ESA NCCES (New capabilities and countries in European Space) Conference, where various organizations and enterprises in the space technology sector gathered.