Protostar Labs

Deep Learning on FPGA: From Model Training to Inference

The integration of Deep Learning models with FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) platforms, like PYNQ Z2, offers advantages such as adaptability and performance. This article explores the technical steps of this integration, from the initial model training phase to achieving high inference speeds on the FPGA. This is a representation of a full workflow in FPGA terms.

Our attendance of ESA NCCES Conference 2023

Last month, we had the opportunity of attending the invite-only ESA NCCES (New capabilities and countries in European Space) Conference, where various organizations and enterprises in the space technology sector gathered.

Data augmentation for improved and more robust computer vision models

Recently we developed a data augmentation solution for a client who uses Data Matrix Code (DMC) for product identification. DMC is a 2D code that is similar to ubiquitous Quick Response (QR) code, but has some advantages for product marking because it can encode more characters within the same space and is therefore better suited when the location of the code is limited in size.