Skin Tone Estimation
This system for skin tone estimation is a useful tool for beauty products recommendation. In addition to the estimation model itself, the system contains image preprocessing tools which makes it robust in all lighting environments.
Improving deep learning model performance with synthetic data
Machine learning model performance is tightly connected to the quality of the data used in the training process. By using syntehtic data, the quality and the size od the training data can be greatly expanded.
Vision-based navigation in GPS-denied environments
This localization and navigation pipeline allows UAVs to rely on their sensors to stay on track when the GPS signal is unreliable or unavailable. It is based on Robot Operating System (ROS) which makes it deployable on many platforms and can be connected to standard flight stacks.
Custom LLM for Software Test Automation
LLMs are seen as the next big thing that happened in recent memory. Creation of task-specific LLMs that help increase productivity is a whole different story.